Thursday 18 October 2007


if u can see at the jukebox, my frienz say where i m. well the island is really hard too find...juz try ur best...please do help me!

Saturday 6 October 2007


Arceus can only be catched in diamond. i havs diamond and have it already. its a super pokemon! the best ive seen! its one of my favs. its really good. one smash and KO HIT! the powerful pokemon called Arceus!


Flygon roxs! its so hard to train it to evole. it takes 3 stages to evole. u hv to catch trapinch first then it evoles to a Vibrava then to a Flygon. but its really good. Take my advice. im a pokemon chapion!


Now rayquaza, u got it! its damn powerful! in one shot ur enimy is dead! but its really hard to catch. since i used my master ball, i used abt 30 timer balls to catch it. but at least its worth it.


Salamence is really hard to find. i got mine at metro falls. i found belgon first. then it evoles to a shelgon. then to a salamence. It was really cool. Now my salamence level is 90. cool eh?
but im sure u too will have a salamence if ur a poke dragon type mania! haha!


Altaria is also one of my fav characters too. It has dragonbreath, Dragonclaw, dagon dance and refresh and sky attack too! its the coolest. Altaria evoles from Swablu. Swablu is not a really good pokemon but altaria is really the best! I trained mine to lv 100 was super powerful! At first i didnt though it would actually evole into a altaria. it was really cool!

Latias and Latios

They are certainly the best pokemon i've ever used! it took me a long time to find them( in sapphire). but i tell u they are the best dragon pokemon i've eva used! They are very hard to find, but its worth cuz they r very good pokemon.and they are very very fast too! They can use:
Psychic, Fly, Dream eater and so much more! they are juz my favorite pokemon!

Friday 5 October 2007

Poke intro

Hi! fan of pokemon? i luv dragon pokemon. they are the best! my favs are latios, latias and altaria!
they r so cool! Flying dragon! cool!